Saturday, February 2, 2013

Howto create a new project for STM32F3-Discovery in IAR from scratch (step-by-step)

Maybe everyone knows how to do it. I did not. I spent days, trying to understand the logic. It *seems* to me that I grasped it somehow, but I fail to see to what extent. But since it's working for me now, I hurry to write this down so I can always check back to this post and know how to start.


So, what I have here is STM32F3-Discovery from STMicroelectronics. I also have IAR Embedded Workbench IDE installed. I had to fall back to IAR as CooCox IDE doesn't support STM32F3-Discovery and they don't tell when they are going to have it. This happens not the first time with them - STM32F4-Discovery still poorly supported and I'm not sure if STM32F0-Discovery is supported either. So I decided I'd go with IAR.